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Brake pads for imported models
Friction material:Non-asbestos(non-steel)
Temperature range(0450)
- Target field -
This brake pad is for genuine imported rotors made with a friction material compound that focuses on performance in low temperature ranges from street to freeway. It is a low dust type with consideration given to brake sound and wheel dust, and with attention to the friction material color so as to make the dust itself unnoticeable. 
D300iローター D300ダスト

 The image to the left shows the disc rotor surface and dirt on the wheel after 500 Km driving with D300i.
VW VORA(2.3 V5)

 Wheel size 18 inch(225/40-18)
Friction material:Non-asbestos(low steel)
Temperature range(0680)
- Target field -
A brake pad for imported models, compatible for street and mini circuits with  high wear resistance and excellent controllability. With reduced initial bite, it is compatible with vehicles with large diameter rotors.
D550iローター D550ダスト

 The image to the left shows the disc rotor surface and dirt on the wheel after 500 Km driving with D550i.

 Wheel size 17inch(215/40-17)
Friction material:Carbon composite metal
Temperature range(50780)
- Target field -
A brake pad for imported models, compatible for street and circuit with mild initial bite. With focus on the controllability, the performance increases with the pedal force. 
D750iローター D750iLダスト

 The image to the left shows the disc rotor surface and dirt on the wheel after 100 Km driving with D750iL
BMW M3(E92)

 Wheel size 19inch(245/35-19)
Friction material:Carbon composite metal
Temperature range(50800)
- Target field -
A brake pad for imported models, compatible for street and circuit, focusing on the braking force with increased initial bite compared to D750il.
D750iLローター D750iダスト  The image to the left shows the disc rotor surface and dirt on the wheel after circuit driving with D750i.
 Wheel size
Part number list for models by manufacture
アルファロメオ車品番リストへ Pad price list アウディ車品番リストへ Pad price list BMW車品番リストへ Pad price list
アルファロメオパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram アウディパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram BMWパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram
フェラーリ車品番リストへ Pad price list フィアット車品番リストへ Pad price list ロータス車品番リストへ Pad price list
フェラーリパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram フィアットパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram ロータスパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram
MCC車品番リストへ Pad price list メルセデスベンツ車品番リストへ Pad price list オペル車品番リストへ Pad price list
MCCパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram メルセデスベンツパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram オペルパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram
プジョー車品番リストへ Pad price list ポルシェ車品番リストへ Pad price list ルノー車品番リストへ Pad price list
プジョーパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram ポルシェパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram ルノーパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram
ローバー車品番リストへ Pad price list フォルクスワーゲン車品番リストへ Pad price list ボルボ車品番リストへ Pad price list
ローバーパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram フォルクスワーゲンパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram ボルボパッド形状図へ Pad form diagram
Pad price list レーシングキャリパー用パッド形状図 Pad form diagram レーシングキャリパー用パッド価格表 Pad price list
Common matter of the product  Because prices are different, please refer to a list of matching for the special caliper wearing car of some car models.
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